UNI-Cloud API 1.1

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API Changelog

Please beware that the documentation is still in Alpha!

linkUser Roles

There are currently 7 user roles, which can be found in the User's Identity Token as described in Section Authorization. This role is used to determine the user's access to specific API endpoints, as well as any additional data that may be included in an endpoint response. These roles these are listed in the Table below.


The 'Free' roles indicate that the user's UNI-Cloud Subscription has expired, giving them only read-only access and preventing them from making changes to their data.

It's important to note that when a user has a higher role, they will also receive the privileges of the lower roles. For example, a Manager will have the Manager role, but also FreeManager, User, FreeUser, and ReadOnly users; this allows them access to the endpoints and data available to the lower roles. This hierarchy of roles allows for flexible and granular control over access to API endpoints and data.

It is essential to consider the user's role when making API requests as it will determine the level of access they have and what data they can retrieve or modify. By following the guidelines set by the API and paying attention to the user role labels on the API website, you can ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the desired endpoints and receive the information you need, including any additional data that may be included in the response.


Endpoints in the marXact API may require specific user roles for access. These user roles for each endpoint are indicated on this reference by a label beneath an endpoint or attribute, e.g.

linkGET {{endpoint}}


This endpoint can only be called if the authorized user has the role Manager or FreeManager, while others will receive an error message indicating that they do not have the necessary permissions.

linkPOST {{endpoint}}


This endpoint, however, can only be called when the authorized user has the role Manager; a FreeManager will be denied access to this endpoint.

  • {{Attribute}}Attribute

    This attribute will always be included.
  • Hidden{{Attribute}}AttributeAdmin

    This attribute will only be included when the authorized user has the role Admin

It is important to note that the user roles and endpoint access, as well as the data included in an endpoint response, can change over time. So, it is recommended to regularly check the API website for updates.

By following these guidelines and paying attention to the user role labels on the API Reference Guide, you can ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access the desired endpoints and receive the information you need, including any additional data that may be included in the response.